Yamcha is probbaly the weakest Z fighter. In the DB and in the Freeza part of DBZ he was Bulma's boyfriend. In the DB series he was known as the notoreous desert bandit and was afraid of girls. In the DBZ series he is a real ladies man and always has a different hair style. He is part of E.S.F. or Earth Specal Forces.
Tein real name is Tenshinh. He has 3 eyes and no hair. He is real quiet and is very polite. His best friend is Chao Tsu. He is part of E.S.F.
Chao Tsu
Chao Tsu is a little guy. I'm not sure if he is full grown or what! He never showed his full power in the DBZ series. He is also very polite like Tien is. He is part of E.S.F.
Yajirobe is a fat member of E.S.F.. He is kind of useless except for that he cut off Vegeta's tail. In later series he has a mustache.
Oolong is a pig that can change his shape, but flunked out of shape changing school. He was first shown in the DB series. He is a real coward and has a sucky attitude.
Paur whent to shape changeing school with Oolong and always made fun of him for flunking out in the DB series. Paur is Yamcha's best friend and talks so freckin' cool!
Master Roshi
Master Roshi is the one who traned Goku and Krillin when they were kids. He has won the martial arts turanment and shows off his stuff in the Worlds Strongest. He lives on an island on his own (well everyones always their) in a house called the "Kame
house". He also gave Goku the Kinto cloud or Flying Nimbus if you like to call it that. He dosent act like a martial arts champion he always drinks beer and hits on young girls in fact in the Dragon Ball comic he wouldn't train Goku or Krillin until they brought him a "hotty" who later turned out to be Lunch. Everyone some how makes jokes of him being a dirty old man!
Good Lunch
Bad Lunch
Lunch is Master Roshi's "hotty" when she sneezes she goes from good to bad. Good black hair bad blonde hair.
This is Master R oshi's sister. She is a witch and is very small. She helped everyone at the Kame House view the Vegeta and Nappa fight through her cryistal ball which Bulma broke cause she got mad.hen Baba got in a fight with Bulma! Her real name is Uranaiobaba.
Sheng Long
With out Sheng Long ( the Eternal Dragon) Dragon Ball would never exest. When all 7 (seven) Dragon Balls are collected Sheng Long appears and grants that person one wish. It depends on who made the set of Dragon Balls that were used if the wish can be granted 'cause if the wish is stronger then the maker the wish cant be granted. Their is a differnt Dragon for each set of Dragon balls but all of the Dragon Balls are made by Nameks. Their are 3 sets of Dragon Balls, the Earth Dragon Balls which are the size of a wall ball, the Namek Dragon Balls which are very big, and the Black Stared (or the Ultamite) Dragon Balls which their size are between the Earths and Nameks.
If you have more info on someone or a pic on someone that I forgot just write a discription of him and E-mail me it!