Right here you will find the best page that has character info avalible. So I went through a lot of trouble on this (it took me like 5 months to get this far partly 'cause I'm a lazy S.O.B. ) so please book mark this page 'casuse it is updated daily and vote for my site every time your here:->
This is Goku in SSJ(Super Saiy-jin)1 form. If you do not know who Goku is please e-mail me your home address so I can go over to your house and hit you with a tack hammer cause you are a retard! He is from the planet Vegeta like all full Saiy-jins are. And if their is one thing special about Goku its got to be that he has died so many times. And his real name is Kakarott. He is the main character of all the Dragon Ball series. He is ranked a 3rd class Saiy-jin fighter but is the first Saiy-jin to reach SSJ form in 3 milleniums. The series started when he was sent to earth as a little boy to destroy the planet but when a hermit (named Gohan) found him and dropped him on his head, Goku forgot his mission to destroy the earth and became a good fighter. The hermit taught Goku martial arts as a boy. But when Goku saw a full moon he transformed into a Oozaru and he accidently killed the hermit and awoke the next day unconscious of what happened and thats when he first meet Bulma and the series started. Goku can turn SSJ4 the highest form of SSJ. But in the GT series he is wished by Palif back to be a little boy with the Ultimate Dragon Balls. He has cool hair, a carefree attitude, and hates beer. ( I'm Trying to get pics of all the Sai-jins in SSJ mode so if the have the hair their a Saiy-jin)
Vegeta is the "bad guy of the good guys". This is him SSJ1. He is first shown in the Vegeta Series as the bad guy trying to get the Earths Dragon Balls and then sell the planet. He turns good guy after Goku saves his life from Freeza. He then realizes that Goku forgives him for trying to kill him. Vegeta is a Saiy-jin also and can reach SSJ4 as well ( him, Goku, Gogeta and Vegeta-Bebi are to only one's that can do that) but the only reason that he can go SSJ4 is because Bulma invented this thing called a "Brute Ray" and then zapped him with it and thats why he can go SSJ4 (he can only reach little into SSJ2 naturaly). He later goes on and marries Bulma and has 2 kids a boy named Trunks and a girl named Bra. He in now a good guy but is still kind of mad at Goku cause he is stronger ( which really pisses him off because Vegeta is the king of Saiy-jins and Goku is a mere 3rd class warrior).
I consider Vegeta-Bebi a Saiy-jin because he is formed by fusion between Bebi and Vegeta. Bebi forced fused with Vegeta and turned him bad once agian. In this fused state he whent Super Baby (which I like to call it SSJ4) and did agianst Goku, to make matters worse in SSJ4 he tuned to the Oozaru stage and totally messed up Goku (who was also in SSJ4) it was a really cool fight 'cause SSJ4 is my favorit stage!.( I have some movies of that and soon I will put them on my page). Instead of getting blonde hair his hair stay's silver.
Gohan is Goku's first son. And is a half Saiy-jin but is the first Saiy-jin to turn SSJ2, this is during the Cell Game. He was trained in the wild by Piccolo for a year so that he could control his Saiy-jin power to fight against Vegeta and Nappa, this is why he is always dressed like Piccolo and is never afraid of him like the other characters are. Gohan studies rather hard because of his mother Chi-Chi. He lacks the happiness of being in fights unlike other Saiy-jins. He gets married to Videl and has a doughter. It is said that Gohan is the most powerful non-fused character in the Dragon Ball Z world. He even gets to train with the Z Sword
Trunks is the son of Vegeta and Bulma. Thus making him a half Saiy-jin. In the end of the Freeza series he is a grown up but in the GT series he is a kid confused huh? Well he is kind of complicated so read the section about him. His real name is Trunk -San and a primary star of the GT sereis. He got his sword in movie13 by Tapion. He trains in the future by Gohan and achieves SSJ1 while fighting the androids ( he is kind of complicated so check out his story )!!
Goten is Goku's 2nd son. He looks just like him and is naive like him too! Goten will always be hot to trot when it comes to a fight! At the end of the Z sereis he looks nothing like Goku though. Thoe he was able to go SSJ at a very very young age. He fuses with Trunks to become Gotenks one of the most powerful characters in the DBZ world!
This is Gotenks. He is the result when Goten and Trunks fuse together. He is also the guy on the banner for my web page (he is in SSJ3 there). He is killed by Ultamite Buu but later brought back with the Namek Dragon Balls. He can turn SSJ3 and I guess he is a full Sai-jin cause Trunks is half and Goten is half. He will always be the best character and fighter to me.
When Goku and Vegeta fuse they become Gogeta, but in a movie they refer to him as Vegett ether way its the same person. Gogeta is probobly they most hardest person to form because Vegeta is always messing it up but is the strongest person in the DBZ/GT world . Sometimes he's fat and sometimes he's real skinny, but if they do it just right he can go SSJ4!
Vegetto is made when Goku and Vegeta fuse with the earrings of Kaioshen. But (you may ask) if the earrings of Kaioshin cause a permenint fuse how come they are still 2 people? Well the reason is because they used the earrings to fight Boo, and during the fight many things took plase that weakend to fuse like getting hit with a massive fire ball from Boo or being inside of him. So all of this weakend the fuse so that when they took off the earrings they became 2 again.
This is a fuse between Goku and Dende. I guessed at his name, and I put him here cause he is an offical Saiy-jin in this form. Although he is also part Namekian. This is the seconed time that I have seen Akira (the creator) make silly fusens with Nameks.
Great Saiy-jin Man #1
The Great Saiy-jin Man is what Gohan disguises himself as. Their are 2 of them #1 is Gohan shown above and #2 is Videl. I didn't put her here cause she is not a Saiy-jin. Their is like Superman. They goes around doing good deeds like saving people. No one knows its Gohan until the Buu series when he tries to save Videl, his futer wife. And then Videl becomes one too.
Pan is the daughter of Gohan and Videl. She is a querter Their are only 2 girl Saiy-jins on earth and shes the oldest one. I always hear that she is the only girl Saiy-jin but if she was that means Goku and Vegeta would be half Saiy-jins cause their would have been no girl Saiy-jin for their fathers to a "mate with". So there HAD to be female Saiy-jin's somewhere along the line. She is also one of the stars of the GT series. She is a tough fighter for her age and should be cause she is a Saiy-jin. I wonder if she is capable to go SSJ since she is only querter Saiy-jin?
Bra is Bulma and Vegeta's 2nd child and first daughter. Thus she is a half Saiy-jin. Which means she has a better chance to go SSJ then Pan. She is the 2nd girl Saiy-jin on earth. Trunks is her older brother and I wonder how he treats her. When she grows up I bet she will be an extroidenary fighter if she is trained properly, and brillent scientist.
Nappa was Vegeta's caretaker as a child. His first and only appearance was in the Vegeta series ( its really called the Vegeta and Nappa series). In the short time he was in the Z series he managed to kill all of the Z fighters except Krillin and Gohan before Goku came and broke his back with the Kao Ken attack. Vegeta then got mad at him for loseing (and since he was useless cause his back was broken) killed him. Nappa WAS a Saiy-jin elite. He HAD a bald head and a cool-ass-hell black gotee. He BROUGHT to earth some of he's Saibaimen witch he planted and made fight Yamucha. Nappa could not go SSJ.
Raditts is Goku's brother. He comes to earth in the first Z episode to see if Goku has concurd the planet. When he found out that Goku did not do his mission he kidnaped Gohan, who was only 4. Goku had to team up with Piccolo to beat Raditts. Piccolo hit Raditts with his special beam cannon ( in the comic whitch by the way I have the move is called Light of Death) while Goku held him down killing both of them. Raditts kind of looked like Goku but had hair thar whent down to his knees. He could not go SSJ.
Bardock was Goku and Raditts father. He was killed when he tried to fight Freeza. Freeza killed him with one finger. He was a " brillent" scientest and created the energy ball that simulated the light of a full moon. He was only introduced in the beggining of the movie "The Strongest Under The Sky" witch I have. And he could not go SSJ.
Brolly is the Legondary Saiy-jin. He could only go SSJ ultimate form which explains the green glow to his hair. He was thought to hve blown up planet Vegeta but that was just Freeza's cover up. I dont know what makes him so legondary but I do know he is killed in movie #10 by Gohan. Ha legondary my ass!!!!!!!!!!
Turlis is the main bad guy in The Tree of Might. He looks exacly like Goku in fact Gohan couldnt tell them apart. He tried to grow the Tree of Might in, fact he did, on earth so he could eat the sweet fruit, witch he also did. But in the end Goku killed him with a spirit bomb. He could not go SSJ.
"Saiy-jin" Armor
This armor is not just for Saiy-jins but since a lot of them have worn it I thought I might as well put it up here. This is one of the early models (Vegeta is wearing the latest one at the top of this page). The armor can expand to almost any size if you can remember how it striched when Vegeta transformed on earth. It is very flexable and light wieghted yet it can harden when contact is made. their are about 7 differnt styles all stronger then the last model. The armor can greatly increase the chanses of seriving in a fight (if you don't recall what the man in the recovery room said to Vegeta after his fight on earth it was that he would have dieded if he had not been wearing the armor). The gloves do little protection to the fist and the boots do nothing.
"Saiy-jin" Scouter
O.k this is deffinitly not just for Saiy-jins. More bad guys use them then anyone else, but I,m putting it here. The scouter is used to find out a persons fighting power. It cannot detect hidden power and can be easily fooled by telling the weaker number. It is how ever good for finding people and telling which direction they are in.
Thats it for the Saiy-jins if you no someone I forgot or you have a pic of someone I dont have e-mail me. Now for evreyone else!
Piccolo is from the planet Nameck. Piccolo has 2 stories of how he was "born" . 1st he used to be one with Kami but Kami "rejected" him because he was evil. 2nd he was Gokus old rival because Goku killed his father accidently. It happened when Goku transformed for the first time, apparently after killing the hermit he killed Piccolo's Dad and with his last breath he spat out an egg witch from it hatched the Piccolo we all know and love! Since he is a Namek there are a few things different about him, like Namcks only drink water, and they can regenerate almost any part of their body. Piccolo and Kami found out that they were Nameks when Vegeta and Nappa arrived on earth looking for the Dragon Balls which are made by Nameks. This is why there are Dragon Balls on earth and when Piccolo and Kami ( the one who made the Dragon Balls and is the guardian of earth) died the Dragon Balls went away.
Krillin is Goku's best good friend. They traind together on Master Roshi's island when they were little. Krillin has gone on many adventures with Goku throughout his lifetime, wether it be looking for Dragon Balls or fighting monsterous guys like Vegeta and Freeza. This is why Ithink Krillin is a very powerfull man but he always acts like a pussy, he was the person who wanted to run away from Vegeta and Nappa and he was the one who wanted to leave Namek cause of strong powers. When Freeza kills Krillin right in front of Goku it makes him so pissed off that he goes SSJ1 for the first time! When Krillin is later wished back he falls in love with andriod #18. Krillin never ever had hair and he dosen't have a nose.
I don't know if thats his name cause I can't read Jap so I call him Pikrillo. He is the result when Krillin and Piccolo fuse together. I dont know if he is a real character in the series or in a movie, I just think Akira was just messing around!
This is from left to right. Freeza is my favorite bad guy. Freeza is the main bad guy in the Freeza Saga. Freeza was so strong that King Kai told Goku not to fight him. He was the ruler of the Saiy-jin race and he loved to challenge them to fights. But when he found out that Saiy-jins get stronger after battle he destroyed their planet. Freeza was so intent to get the Dragon Balls so that he could become immortal and rule the universe. Freeza was also able to transform his body to get stronger together he had 4 transformed states and he says that it has been a long time since he had to go to the 4th stage. To know more about Freeza go to see the Freeza Saga.
Kooler is Freeza's brother and came to earth to find out were the Saiy-jin named Goku was so that he could kill him for killing his brother. Kooler can turn into a form that Freeza could not reach and did to defeat Goku but Goku turned SSJ1 on him and defeted him by boncing off one of his energy balls at him and sending him to the sun. But in the movie " Attack! 1,000,000 Power Warriors" witch I also have Koolers dead body combines with a kind of "super computer" and it remakes Kooler only that he is made up of entirely mteal and twice as strong.
King Cold
King Cold is both Freeza and Kooler's dad. When he found Freeza's injured body from the Namek fight he made him into a half cyborg. He came to earth to with Robo Freeza to also kill Goku but Goku killed him. And last I think that is Robo-Freeza. Since Goku sliced Freeza in half on Namek and then saved him he was built back as half cyborg.
Robo-Freeza is not killed but Goku but by Trunks who slices him in half (I have a clip of that).
Ginyu Force
The Ginyu Force is Freeza's private army. Together they have conquered lots of planets. It consists of 5 people.From left from right, Recoome, a large humanoid who can dish out a lot of punishment along with taking it in too. Guldo, who has 4 eye and the ability to stop an instant in time. Ginyu, the leader of the group, who has the ability to change his body with his opponent. Jeece, also a humanoid exept he has orange skin and has long white hair. And Baata, a reptilian who is extremely fast and is very tall.
Zarbon is one of the 2 henchmen that Freeza took with him to the planet Namek. He is the stronger one and has the ability to transform into a reptile like being that is about twice as strong as he is in normal form. When he fought Vegeta for the first time Zarbon had to transform to beat him. But when Vegeta was revived he totally kicked Zarbons ass and killed him.
Dodoria is the 2nd henchmen that whent to Namek with Freeza. He acted all tough after he killed some Nameks but when he met up with Vegeta he cried like a little girl so Vegeta would not kill him but he does anyway.
Cell is the main bad guy in the Cell Saga. Cell is Dr. Geru's Ultimate Artificial Human. Cell is completly organic. Dr. Geru made him from the cell's of Vegeta, Piccolo, Goku, and Freeza. He got these cell's by a spy robot that collected them when they fought on Earth. Cell has a tail that looks exactly like Freeza's and he uses it to absorb energy. When Cell absorbs #17 and #18 he becomes "Kanzentai" his perfect form. Cell holds the Cell Game and sayies that if anyone can beat me on a one on one fight he would not destroy the Earth. To find out more go to the Cell Saga.
Cell Jr.
During the Cell saga when Cell gave birth the offspring was called Cell Jr.'s.
Dr. Gero
Dr. Gero is the creater of all the androids and Cell.
#16, #17, #18
#18, the one with red hair, is a full robot made by Dr.Gero ( all of the androids are robots made by Dr. Gero, but some were once human). He was programed to fight and kill Goku but since he had a type of love for nature he stopped fighting and Bulma reprogramed him so he would ight for Goku's side. When Cell kills him it enrages Gohan to become SSJ2 for the first time. #17 ( black hair standing up) is the brother of #18. He was once a human but Dr. Gero robotisied him and his sister when he was activated he killed Dr. Gero. For a little while longer he still fights Goku for he was programed to do so. But soon he joins Goku 's team and fights agenst Cell. #18 ( the blonde) was also once a human her brother is #17. She and her brother are responsible for killing almost all of the people in the futer time. She soon joins Goku and when Cell is beaten she marries Krillin and has a kid named Marron.
#19 was Dr. Gero's assestent
Mr. Satan is Videls dad. He was at one time the strongest person in the world.
Buu why is the main character of the Buu series. He is a god like being. Its kind of hard to explain so check out his saga.
When Boo was killed the good part of him rencarnated into a kid named Oob. Goku noteced his stregth and flew to an island to train with him.
Daburad was just someone passing by earth and senced all of the high powers. So he whent their to see how strong he was. He also has wiked spit that turns people to stone!
This little guy was a bad guy that hung around with Daburad. He was on of the main people that freed Boo.
Bebi is a bad guy that is a metal mechine. He is a Trans-fujin. He can fuse with people to take over their bodies. He fused with lots of characters but when he fused with Vegeta he went SSJ4! When fused hes called Vegeta-Bebi.
Dr.Myuu created Bebi from a little egg. He spent a good part of his life creating and bringing to life Bebi. When Trunks said that he killed him Dr. Myuu almost had a hard attsck and raced to the computer to breing his system back an on line. Myuu stands for monster.
Don Kiaa
Don is a guy who always dresses like a girl (hint hint). He has no powers but does own a planet and has really ugly body gaurds around him.
Zuunama is a catfish like being that had a small role in the GT series. He had the abelity to detect when an earthquake was going to strike and then he would go to villeges and act like he was causing them to get food. He turned out to be a wuss when Goku and everyone tried to stop him.
I got movie #13 called "The Explosive Dragon's Fist---If Goku Can't Do It. Who Can?". Tapion is a main character. Tapion is haunted by a monster spirit called Hildagan. Every time Tapion's flute leaves his hand the monster is released. But when the flute is destroyed the monster leaves for good and he beets up all of the Saiy-jin fighters but Gotenks put up a fight. But npne of that worked until Goku whent SSJ3 and punched right throw Hildagan with a move called Dragon Fist! With the monster dead Tapion uses Bulma's time machine to send him back 1000 years to set things right but before Tapion goes he gives his sword to Trunks ( who just adores him and even calls him Big Brother which makes Goten pretty mad) and thus ( Chibi) Trunks gets his sword. And that is the gist of movie #13. The music on my page is the song that kept Hildagan at bay, I like the song.
This little guy is Tapion's younger brother. He helped trap part of Hildagan, but when Hoi maneged to get it out it killed him.
Hoi is a warlock that tried to get Hildagan out of Tapion and his brothers body. He later did do this by killing Minoshilyal and breaking Tapions flute once both parts were out Hildagen was fully formed. Hoi was so happy to see him fully restord after all those years (1000 to be exact) that he was in the way of Hildagan and steped on him:-(
This is Hildagan in his second transformation. He used to be a statue but a group of warlocks brang him to life. He was impresoned in the bodies of Tapion and his brother. A prest cut him in half and the flute absorebed a half into eaches body. Then to be sure that he could not be free again they agread to be locked away in music box's. Then Hoi triked Goku into wishing the box to open. And out came Tapion with a half of Hildagan.
Kaioshin is from a differnt planit and tought the Z fighters how to fuse he even gave Goku the Kaioshin earring, these earrings made eny fue permenit. All you had to do is put each earing on your outside ear and you would fuse!
Daikaioshin appeard when Gohan broke the Z sword over a rock. He was trapped inside the sword for thousands of years. As thanks for releasing him he increases Gohans strength.
I don't know much about him but i do know there are 2 kinds of him (like Buu) their is the skinny one (above) and a fat one (below). Some how he fused with King Yemma.
Fat Janenba
The fat version of Janenba
King Kia
King Kia is an expert fighter and trained all of the earth Z fighters and Goku when they died. He lives on his own planet that has 20 times the earth gravity. King Kia has a sence of humour it's too bad the jokes he tells are older than he is!! He lives with his pets Bubbles and Gregory.
Bubbles is one of King Kia's pets/trainer. He tells all of his students that they have to catch Bubbles for King Kia to train them.
Gregory is the other pet of King Kia. Gregory is a smart ass cricket who is very fast and you have to hit him over the head with a mallot.
Corrin is a cat that lives high atop on Kami's lookout. He is the only one on earth that knows how to grow the senzu beans ( magical beans that instantly restore your power to the max).
Chi-Chi, Videl, Bulma
From top to bottom. Chi-Chi is Gokus wife. They first met in the DB sereis when Goku saved her. Her father is the Ox King. She always yells and is over protective. Videl is Mr. Satan's daughter. She turns out to be Gohans wife and is fairly strong (not as strong as any Z fighter though. She is also the one who finds out that Gohan is the Great Saiy-jin Man. And then becomes his "partner". Gohan is also the person that taught her how to fly. In the GT series she has a girl named Pan. Bulma started the whole series if it weren't for her no on would have looked for the Dragon Balls if no one looked for the Dragon Balls Goku wouldn't have ran into Chi-Chi and married her and then Gohan wouldn't have been born and Radditts would come to earth and would have killed Goku sold earth and then he would kill all human life and then humans would be extinct. So thank your lucky stars that Bulma looked for the damn Dragon Balls. She also invented the Dragon Radar which tells were the Dragon Balls are at by the radiation the balls emit. Her dad ( Dr. Breifs) owns Capsule Corp. and she is a great scientist too. She later goes on and marries Vegeta ( being the only girl that could tame him) and has 2 kids one named Trunks who later becomes president of C.C. and one named Bra who was introdused late in the show.
Great Saiy-jin Man #2
This is Videl aswell. When she found out that Gohan was the Great Saiy-jin Man she wanted to help him. She is still no were near Gohans power but at lest she is happy.
Marron is Krillin and #18's daughter.
Paris-Chan is Gotens girlfriend she is very nieve and is not shown a lot in the series.
Dr. Briefs
Dr.Briefs is Bulma's dad. He owens C.C and always has a black cat on his shoulder.
This was Kami before he split into 2 persons. Goku defeted him in the Tenka'Ichi Budokai.
Kami is the one that made the Dragon Balls. He used to be one with Piccolo but he rejected him. He is the guardian of the Earth and lives on Kami's lookout with Popo, Corrin, and Dende.
Dende is a child Namek. He has the ability to heal people and later on in the series he becomes something like Kami. Lter in the series he fuses with for some reason. He is killed by Freeza. Later he is wished back.
Nail is Guru's "body gaurd" he did fight Freeza and al most died. During the battle Freeza ripped off one of his arms and toyed with him. Freeza never reallized that Nail was wasting time so that Dende could get to Gohan and the others. Nail has been trained in a speacel type of Namekean fighting, and was a real powerful Namek. When Freeza left Nail to get back his Dragon Balls Piccolo fused with him.
Popo lives on Kami's lookout. There's not much to say about him except that he is good friends with Kami and knows how to speak Namek.
King Yemma
King Yemma is head of the after life check in station. He has once made the trip to King Kai's place and braged to Goku how he got Raditts in his "Yemma Hold".